0. Design thinking - Build a Gyrocopter
1. Electromagnetic Spectrum and UV Light - Detective Torch (Explorer)
Learn about the electromagnetic spectrum, visible light and the magic of fluorescence to build an exciting project based on UV rays!
- Objectives
- Protected: Engage- Electromagnetic Spectrum
- Protected: Explore- UV Torch Workbook
- Protected: Explore More- Fluorescence
- Protected: Elaborate- Learn how to build a Detective Torch
- Protected: Explain – Applications of Ultra-Violet Rays
- Protected: Assignment Test for Fluorescence
- Protected: Evaluate- Black Light Quiz
2. Reflection- Magic Bank (Explorer)
Understand properties of reflection and create your very own Optical Illusion based Magic Bank
- Objectives
- Engage – Play with perceptions
- Protected: Explore – Mirror Game
- Protected: Explore- Magic Bank- Workbook
- Protected: Elaborate- Magic Bank and Money Doubling Box
- Protected: Explain – Understand the Working of Magic Bank
- Protected: Evaluate- Test your understanding- Magic Bank
- Assignment
- Protected: NCERT Textbook -Light
3. Property of light- Diffraction and Rectilinear Propagation
Learn how light passes through a tiny aperture and discover how a Pin Hole Camera works . Learn about an amazing phenomenon called Diffraction of light with a Hologram!
- Objectives
- Protected: Engage- Logic of Light
- Engage- Properties of Light
- Explore- Application of Hologram
- Protected: Elaborate – Design a Hologram
- Protected: Explain – Working of Hologram
- Quiz on Hologram
- Protected: Elaborate- Pin Hole Camera
- Protected: Explain: Pin hole camera
- Protected: Evaluate: Assignment- Pin hole camera
- Protected: Light Worksheet – Printable
- Protected: Evaluate- Test your understanding
- Protected: Evaluate- Concept map – S – Light and properties
4. Build Lens Camera (Explorer)
Know about refraction, how light behaves in different mediums and its path in a convex lens.
- Objectives
- Protected: Engage -Refraction
- Protected: Explore – Types of Lenses
- Protected: Lens Camera – Workbook
- Protected: Explain – How does it work?
- Protected: Elaborate- Lens Camera
- Protected: Evaluate: Refraction
- Protected: Ray diagrams – Lens
- Protected: Practice worksheet
- Protected: Assignment
- Protected: Printables – Lens Camera
- Protected: Printables – Lens Camera – Key
5. Electrical circuits- LED Chandelier (Explorer)
Discover different kinds of configurations for an electrical circuit and learn how to make a series and a parallel circuit!
- Objectives
- Protected: Engage- Holiday Lights
- Explore – Series and Parallel Circuits
- Protected: Elaborate- LED Chandelier
- Explain – Circuit in Serial Lights
- Explain – How does electricity get to your home
- Evaluate – Quiz on circuits
- Protected: Assignment – Make a Circuit
- Protected: Evaluate- Effects of Electricity – Worksheet
- Protected: Explain- NCERT Textbook- Electricity
7. Electromagnetism- Electromagnetic Toy (Explorer)
Use your knowledge of Electromagnetism and build your own Electromagnetic Toy from scratch!
- Objectives
- Protected: Engage-Effects of Electric Current
- Protected: Explore- Magnetic effect of Electric current
- Protected: Elaborate- Electromagnetic Toy
- Protected: Electromagnet -Workbook
- Protected: Explain – Understand working of Electromagnet
- Protected: Explain – Applications of Electromagnet
- Protected: Assignment – Pick and Drop
- Protected: Evaluate- Quiz- Electromagnet
8. Piezoelectricity - Build a Calling Bell (Explorer)
Discover piezoelectricity and learn how to build a Calling Bell for yourself!
9. Unbalanced Forces- Build A wobbly Buzzing Scorpion (Explorer)
Learn what are unbalanced forces ; vibratory motors and how to use it to make a wobbly Buzzing Scorpion in this Explorer activity!
- Objectives
- Protected: Engage-Balanced and Unbalanced forces
- Protected: Explore- Vibration Motors – Applications
- Protected: Elaborate- Buzzing Scorpion
- Protected: Explain – How does it work?
- Protected: Evaluate- Force and Motion- Worksheet
- Protected: Evaluate- Quiz on Forces
- Protected: Assignment Application of Forces
10. Winds & Storms- 360º Fan (Explorer)
Sharpen your understanding of the weather and climate around you and build a 360º Fan all by yourself!
- Objectives
- Protected: Engage- Air and Wind
- Protected: Explore- Types of Wind
- Protected: Elaborate- 360 Degree Fan
- Explain – Working of 360° Fan
- Explore- Know current wind pattern
- Explore -Applications of Wind Energy
- Protected: Explore- NCERT Textbook – Weather and Climate
- Protected: Explore- NCERT Textbook – Storms and Cyclone
- Protected: Evaluate- Quiz on Air and Wind
- Protected: Assignment- Winds
11. Pressure- Sanitizer Dispensing Pump (Explorer)
Learn about low pressure vacuum seal and how it affects the speed of a fluid, use this knowledge to make your very own Sanitizer Dispensing Pump!
12. Atmospheric Pressure and Vaccum - Science of Balloon Pump (Explorer)
Learn how Design Thinking impacts your everyday life and how it can change the perception of Science and Technology!
13. Electricity, Circuits and Simulation- TinkerCAD (Inventor)
In the session we will learn about designing circuits on TinkerCAD
- Objectives
- Protected: Engage – Understanding the topic (Workbook reading)
- Protected: Engage – What is Electricity?
- Protected: Explain – Learn How electrical appliances works
- Protected: Explore – Learn about Tinker CAD
- Protected: Evaluate – Quiz
- Protected: Assignment
- Protected: Assignment – Electricity and circuits
- Protected: Document for using Tinker cad – Only for teacher
- Protected: NCERT Text book – Effects of electric current
- Protected: Do it your self
14. Design Attention Seeking Puppet (Inventor)
Learn to build an attention seeking puppet and sharpen your understanding of electric circuits
- Objectives
- Engage- Sound Waves
- Explore – longitudinal waves
- Protected: Explore – Components of attention seeking puppet
- Protected: Elaborate – Design a attention seeking puppet
- Protected: Explain – Learn about attention seeking puppet
- Protected: Evaluate Quiz on sound
- Protected: Assignment S-calling bell circuit
15. Application of Electromagnetism- DC Motor (Inventor)
Learn how electromagnetic effect is used in everyday objects around you and build a DC motor to understand its basics!
- Objectives
- Protected: Engage- Learn about DC Motors
- Protected: Explore- AC and DC
- Protected: Elaborate- DC Motor
- Protected: Explain- Working of the DC motor
- Protected: Explain – Magnetic Effects of Electricity
- Protected: Evaluate- Quiz on DC Motors
- Protected: Evaluate- Assignment
- Protected: Evaluate – Printables
- Evaluate -Torque
16. Electromagnetic Swing (Inventor)
Use your knowledge of Electromagnetism and build a DIY Electromagnetic Swing
17. Natural Forces and Motion- Newton's Laws (Inventor)
Learn about different types of forces, both contact and non-contact forces; learn about Newton's basic laws
- Objectives
- Protected: Engage -Newton’s Laws of Motion
- Protected: Explore – Third Law of Motion – Balloon launcher
- Protected: Elaborate – Make a balloon spinner
- Explain – Working of Third Law of Motion
- Protected: Evaluate – Assignment S-Natural forces and its motion
- Protected: Test your understanding S6
- Protected: Assignment
18. Understand types of Propellers (Inventor)
Experiment with different kinds of DIY propellors to understand the effect of wind on different sized and shaped wings!
19. Building of Newton Superhero (Inventor)
Build a STEM based Project to understand motion due to wind and Centre of Gravity
20. Wind and Motion- Bernoulli's Magic -Learn about Aerodynamics (Inventor)
Understand what aerodynamics is and how to apply aerodynamic effect in real life
- Objectives
- Protected: Engage – Understand Air Pressure
- Protected: Explore – Make a Ball Hover
- Protected: Explain – Learn the science of Hovering Ball
- Protected: Explore – Activity Sumo wrestler
- Protected: Elaborate – Learn to Build Ring Wing Glider
- Protected: Explain – Understand working of Ring wing Glider
- Protected: Explain – Understand aerodynamics
- Protected: Explain – How does an Aeroplane Fly
- Protected: Evaluate – Worksheet – Aerodynamics
- Protected: Test your understanding S9
- Protected: Test your understanding S10
- Protected: Home Work- Paper Planes
- Protected: Assignment 1 – Balloons in Love
- Protected: Assignment 2 – Design an Aerofoil
- Protected: Assignment
21. Projector Shadow
22. Explore Potentiometer (Inventor)
Learn about light and what light is made up of, how it travels and how to measure its intensity!
- Objectives
- Protected: Engage – Know about light
- Protected: Explain – LUX meter
- Protected: Engage – Measure Light
- Protected: Explain – Working of potentiometer
- Protected: Explain Video – Potentiometer
- Protected: Evaluate -Test your understanding S11
- Protected: Evaluate- Assignment- Variable Resistance
- Protected: Assignment- Light
23. Measure Light -Design a Backlit Board (Inventor)
Understand the use of a Potentiometer to control the intensity of light to build a STEM based prototype!
24. Making Bedlamp (Inventor)
Use your knowledge from the potentiometer prototype and build your very own STEM Project- Bedlamp
6. Effects of Electric Current (Explorer)
Understand how electricity induces new and exciting properties like electromagnetism and learn its real life application
- Protected: Explore – How does electricity work
- Protected: Explain: Series and Parallel circuit
- Protected: Engage – Effects of Electricity
- Protected: Evaluate- Assignment S – Effects of electricity
- Protected: Test your understanding S5
- Protected: Assignment 1
- Protected: Assignment 2
- Protected: Assignment
Reference Material – More project building ideas
Project Building Ideas
Click the link below to find the steps to build the other variants: