Grade 6 – I am a Maker School
SUP-6.1-L1 | Electrical Circuit - Design a Table Lamp
SUP-6.2-L1 | Funny Forces - Build a Gauss Gun
SUP-6.2-L2 | Magical Magnets
SUP-6.2-L3 | Non Contact forces
SUP-6.3-L1 | Plugs and Pins - Emergency USB Lamp
SUP-6.3-L2 | Types of Circuits - Design LED Smiley
- Protected: Objective
- Protected: Engage- Series and parallel circuits
- Protected: Explore- Make your Salt Circuit
- Protected: Elaborate – LED Smiley
- Protected: Explain – More with electricity Book
- Protected: Explain – LED Smiley-Workbook
- Protected: Evaluate – Assignment
- Protected: Evaluate – Assignment
SUP-6.4-L3 | Science of Vision
SUP-9.1-L1 | Spy Lantern
SUP-9.1-L2 | Center of Gravity
- Protected: Objectives
- Protected: Engage – Gravity and Motion
- Protected: Explore: Weightlessness
- Protected: Explore – 3D Balancing Bird
- Protected: Elaborate – Balancing Mickey Mouse
- Protected: Explain : Science of Balancing in animals and human beings
- Protected: Evaluate -Assignment
- Protected: Teachers’ Copy Copy
SUP-8.1-L1 | Force and Friction