Neha Arduino Robotics First Year
Do you know what a micro-controller is? Do you wanna know how objects can be made smart? Learn automation and IoT. Use Electronics and Coding to build cool automation projects. Apply what you learned, to solve real-life problems.
Welcome to “I am a Robo Scientist – Senior”
Why Robotics?
Automation is a big buzz in the 21st century. Everything is becoming automated. This also contributes positively to the development of the world in a lot of ways. Automation of manufacturing in industries gives us the consistent quality of products. Automation is applied in Agriculture. Nowadays we can even automate our homes, workplaces, and public places.
All of this is made possible by the application of embedded systems and robotics. Specialists estimate that in the coming generations everything is going to be based on the Internet Of Things. So this clearly means there is a growing demand for Robotics and IoT.
What will you learn?
You will learn the basics of electronics and coding. You will start from the very basics and build simple circuits on the breadboard. After that, you will learn about micro-controllers. You will learn how to program the micro-controller and build cool automation projects with sensors and Arduino. By applying what you learned you can build a smart home or smart city model on your own.
1. Introduction to Automation and Robotics
2. Introduction to Virtual Circuits
3. Circuits on Breadboard
We use electricity in our day to day life, let us understand how circuits are made and learn to make simple circuits.
4. Some Projects with Electronics
5. Introduction to Arduino
6. Arduino - My first Program
7. Know about Block Coding
8. Program control Circuit
9. Patterns with LED
10. Make your own Traffic Light
11. Loops and conditions in Arduino
12. Analog vs Digital
Today we learn what Arduino is and how to use it to create a simple LED blinking circuit.
- Objective X
- Protected: Explore : Potentiomater
- Protected: Explain: Analog vs Digital
- Protected: Explain: Understanding PWM
- Protected: Elaborate: LED fading effect
- Elaborate 1: Blinking LED in ascending order
- Elaborate 2: Blinking LED in Descending order
- Evaluate X
- Elaborate 3: Blink LED in different Intensity
13. Electronic Dice
14. Disco Light and Sound
15. Sound Sensor and Clap Switch
16. Automatic Street Light
17. Ultrasonic Sensor
18. Parking Guide
19. Introduction to DTDP
20. Design Robot with DTDP
21. Build your car
22. Program Control car
23. Program your car to move in Pattern
24. Light Sensing Robot
25. Light following Car
26. Obstacle aVoiding car
27. More with Obstacle car
28. IR sensor introduction
29. Edge Avoiding Car
30. Line Following Robot
31. Servo Motor
32. Obstacle avoiding car with Servo Motor